In order for us to best fit you please answer the following questions First name Last Name Birthdate MM/DD/Year Gender -Select One- Male Female Non Binary Street Address City State Zip Occupation Phone Email Adress Must be a valid e-mail address, e.g. How would you prefer we contact you? Phone call Text Email Background and Riding Style Height Weight (lbs) Years Cycling What are your goals today What best describes your riding style -Select One- Recreational Serious Recreational Racer How do you get most of your yearly miles -Select One- Solo rides Organized rides Club rides Current non-cycling physical activities Any current on-the-bike problems Bike Info What type of bike are you having fitted? Road Triathlon Mountain Cyclo Cross Bike Brand/Model/Frame Size Ride Info Days/Wk (summer) / (winter) Avg on bike time Speed Cadence Injuries and special notes (broken bones, surgeries, chronic issues) Please Indicate problem areas Foot Knees Legs Hips Saddle Lower Back Back Shoulders Neck Arm Hand Other To select or deselect multiple options, hold the "Ctrl" key when clicking. Are you currently being treated by a Dr. or a Physical Therapist? Yes No Which of fittings best fit your needs? Road/ATB/Cross Bike level 1 - Already have a bike that you need sized up? This service will make sure the rider and the bike are properly matched with the basic measurements completed by hand. As with all fittings an appointment is required, this fitting will take about 1 hour. Additional parts & labor may be necessary to properly complete this fitting. $119.99. Road/ATB/Cross Bike Level 1.5 with Data - All the great benefits of L1 with a map of all your measurements when we are complete. $179.99 Triathlon/TT Bike Level 1 - Already have a bike that you need sized up? This service will make sure the rider and the bike are properly matched with the basic measurements completed by hand. As with all fittings an appointment is required, this fitting can take up to 1 hours. Additional parts may be necessary to properly complete this fitting. $179.99 Triathlon/TT Bike Level 1.5 with Data - - All the great benefits of L1 with a map of all your measurements when we are complete. $209.99 Level 2 AMC Fitting - All the features of our basic fit with the added accuracy of advanced video capture (AMC). With this tool we can analyze your fitting in real time and drill down to the finest details. The use of AMC assures a more accurate fit as well as records the measurements for future reference. This fit can take between 1 to 2 hours. Follow up adjustments are free for the first year. $239.99 AMC TRI/TT L2 -Time trial specialists and triathletes need a different approach when it comes to their bike fit. The bikes are also far more complex. Our fitters will help you find the most direct line from start to finish. Our goal is to make you more comfortable, aerodynamic and able to produce more power! This fit can take up to 3 hours. Follow up adjustments are free for the first year. $299.99 For more information see our fit menu. Keep this field blank